Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff

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Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff

  • Non-teaching staff should remain on duty during college hours from 08.30 am to 05.00 pm. They should not leave the college premises without permission before 05:00 pm.
  • Every non-teaching staff employed shall discharge his/her duties meticulously and efficiently and shall conform to the rules and regulations of the college.
  • Non-teaching staff should respect and maintain the hierarchy in administration and carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities.
  • Non-teaching staff must always wear their identity cards during working hours.
  • Non-teaching staff should maintain honesty, integrity and equality in all activities.
  • Non-teaching staff should exercise self-discipline and deal positively with staff, students, parents and public.
  • Non-teaching staff assigned to laboratories should be responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the labs.
  • Non-teaching staff should avoid personal calls and social networking sites such as Facebook, Whatsapp, etc during the working hours.
  • Faculty members are barred from using cell phones while taking classes, engaging in examination duties and while attending meetings.
  • No faculty member should be absent himself/herself from duty at any time without prior approval.
  • Any instruction issued by the competent authority by way of circulars from time to time must be complied with.
  • Faculty members are expected to be punctual in going to the classes, attending meetings, invigilation, college functions and attend national celebrations.
  • Faculty members should not attempt to bring any political or outside pressure on his/her superior authorities in respect of service matters.
  • Faculty members should not provoke or instigate any student or staff against other students, colleagues or administration.
  • Faculty members should not by act or deed, degrade, harass or insult any other person for any reason or act in a manner inappropriate to the teaching profession.
  • Faculty members should not discriminate any student on grounds of caste, creed, religion, gender, nationality or language.
  • Faculty members should neither disclose confidential information about students to anyone nor disclose confidential information from the management to the students.
  • Faculty members should not accept fees or honorarium, gift, etc., from the students.
  • Faculty members should respect the prerogative of parent/guardian to look after the interest of the student.
  • Faculty members should not misuse or carelessly use amenities provided to him/her by the institution to facilitate the discharge of his /her duties.