Student Rules and Regulations

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Student Rules and Regulations


The foremost objective of education is moulding the character. The college lays great emphasis on decent behavior of every student.

  • Students should attend college neatly and decently dressed. They should come in Sarees / Salwar Kameez / Chudidhar. They should not come in any other dress.
  • Any student found guilty of offending a staff member will be dealt seriously and if necessary, the punishment may lead to suspension or dismissal from the college.
  • In the intervals or during the unexpected absence of the teacher concerned, students should remain silent in the class rooms.
  • Students should not loiter in the verandahs, sit on the steps of the portico and staircases.
  • Students are not allowed to roam around the campus when a class is cancelled. They should remain in the class room or in the library reading silently.
  • For any function, conference, meeting or any gathering of the kind, students should get prior permission of the Principal.
  • The Principal has the absolute right to penalize or suspend or dismiss any student found guilty of gross misconduct inside or outside the college campus.
  • Students should attend classes well on time.
  • Scribbling on the walls and desks or doing any other kind of damage to the college property is strictly prohibited. Students will be held responsible for any such wanton damage and they will be severely penalized.
  • Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to the college.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited.


  • Students should be in their seats in the respective classes before the teacher enters the class.
  • Students coming late by five minutes or more will not be allowed to attend the class without the permission slip from the Head of the Department.
  • Absence for one or more hours during a session will be treated as absence for half a day.
  • Calling students from the classroom during the lecture hours, except with the permission slip from the Principal/HOD concerned, is prohibited.

Identity Cards

  • Students should wear their identity card duly signed by the Principal.
  • The cards will be issued to them immediately after admission in the college.
  • They should wear the same in the college premises.
  • They must be able to produce the ID cards on demand by the Principal or Teachers.


  • The library will be kept open on all working days from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm
  • Strict silence should be maintained inside the library premises.
  • No personal belongings of the students like bags, books and bound notebooks will be allowed inside the library.
  • Using mobile phones will not be entertained inside the library premises.
  • UG Students will be issued 2 books; PG Students will be issued 3 books and Research Scholars will be issued 4 books on producing their ID Card.
  • Magazines, Daily News Papers, Booklets and Reference materials are not for issue.
  • Students should check the books when they receive them from the librarian. If there is any damage it should be reported at once.
  • Students should not tamper with / highlight / underline / write in the books.
  • Books should be returned on or before the due date. If a student fails to return the book on time, she will have to pay a fine of one rupee for each day of delay.
  • Students should take great care of the library books. If a student happens to lose any book s/he should pay the current price of the book and a fine decided by the Principal.
  • Students before going on vacation should return the library books.
  • Upon completion of the course students should surrender all the borrowed library books and membership card. They should get the No Dues form duly signed by the Librarian.


Students are expected to take proper care of the college property and to keep the premises neat and tidy. Any damage done to the property of the college by disfiguring walls, doors, fitting, breaking furniture etc., is a breach of discipline. The students found responsible will be charged to the loss or damage.