Role of HODs

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Role of HODs

  • Academic administration of the departments under his/her control.
  • Assist the Coordinator in all matters of academic interest.
  • Contribute in evolving strategies and action plans for the development and quality improvement of the department.
  • Introduce innovative features in the curriculum and revise periodically revision of the curriculum befitting the current trends and demands of the industry and the employment market.
  • Be aware of the various requirements of different courses as per the Periyar University guidelines and ensure that such norms are fulfilled whenever inspection commissions of the university or other agencies visit the college.
  • Work out the manpower requirements as per work load of the department and recommend the staff requirement to the Principal through the Dean.
  • Ensure the quality and effectiveness of teaching – learning process.
  • Organize Guest lectures, Seminars, Conferences, Industry visits and encourage the staff to bring out publications.
  • Depute staff to participate in seminars, conferences and workshops and motivate them to undertake research by tapping funding sources.
  • Oversee and monitor the faculty particularly the new entrants during the lecture hours offer suggestions for their improvement.
  • Ensure effective conduct of stay back hours, extra classes, PACE classes, career guidance and placement programs in coordination with training and placement cell.
  • Interact with students periodically, review the student performance in the internal and end semester examinations, regularity in attendance and monitor general discipline of the students inside the campus.